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Friday, May 23, 2008


Fuss About Diamonds

Diamond rings

Ask a woman about her desires in jewelry and you can predict the answer. Yep, diamonds! It goes without saying that diamonds are hugely popular, but only the nature of diamonds explains why.

In a relationship, symbols are important and vital. Jewellery represents a number of symbols. If you really care for the other person, nothing beats diamond jewellery to deliver the message.

A commitment to another person is…well, a commitment. A person is looking for a commitment of time and totality. Diamonds are symbols for both of these things because of their nature.

Carbon is the most prevalent element in our world. It is the basis of much of what we see. In vary rare cases, carbon can be dangerous when there is too much carbon dioxide in the air or magical when it is turned into a diamond.

To understand diamonds, you have to first understand carbon. It is the building block of practically everything on the planet. In its pure form, it is not clear or hard.

A diamond is a creation of the inner workings of our planet. In simple terms, we are talking about heat and pressure. Carbon pockets within the planet crust are put under tremendous pressure and heat for millions of years. The result is a clear, hard substance that needs a name.

Diamonds get their name from the Greeks. It seems the Greeks named everything some times! In this case, the name comes from the word “adamas”, which means unconquerable.

If diamonds are formed in the crust of the planet, how do we find them? Well, we mine for them, but no mine is deep enough to reach them. Instead, we focus on volcanic areas where diamonds have been pushed up to the surface in lava flows and explosions.

Diamonds are exceedingly old. The heating and pressure process can take millions of years. Most diamonds used in jewellery are between one and three billion years old.

Diamonds can be very hard to find, which makes them precious. Most diamonds we find, however, cannot be used for jewellery This makes the 20 percent that can even more precious.

Oddly, diamonds have not been used in jewellery for that long of a period given the time span of man. Despite all the kings and queens of the past, diamonds were only first used in royal jewellery in Austria in the 15th century. Obviously, they have become a bit more popular since then.

The vary nature of diamonds is what gives them value. The age associated with them is incredible. Throw in the fact they are nearly impossible to break and you have the perfect gem for jewellery An unbreakable commitment of time.

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