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Monday, April 28, 2008



Bhujangasana is one of the most important Yoga poses. Bhujangasana is also called by the name of Cobra pose. Bhujangasana helps in stretching the spine, strengthening the back and arms. It also opens the chest and heart. Start the Asana or the Cobra pose by lying down on your stomach. Put your legs together and arms at your side and close to the body, with your hands by your chest. Begin inhaling and raise your chest and head slowly to the maximum limit it can reach.
While performing the exercise remember to keep your hip muscles tight so that your lower back is not injured. Keep your head up and chest and heart out. Breathe quite a number of times and then relax slowly. After performing the abovementioned steps do the following. Raise yourself on your arms after going as high as possible. At the same time stretch your spine a bit more. But remember; go as far as you are comfortable. While performing the poses keep your pelvis always on the ground. Then breathe several times and come down slowly.

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