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Monday, April 28, 2008

Janu Shirshasana

Janu Shirshasana

Of all the Yoga poses or Asanas, Janu Shirshasana is one of the most important. Janu Shirshasana helps in stretching and opens back and hamstrings and improves flexibility of the body. First of all, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bending one leg, bring the heel of the foot as close to the groin as possible. For comfort you may place a pillow under the bent knee. Always make sure that your spine is straight. Start turning your body a little so that you face out over the extended leg. Breathe in and raise your arms over your head.

Thereafter exhale and begin to move forward in a slow fashion. Remember to keep your back as straight as possible. Do not bend at the hips; concentrate on lifting the tailbone and rolling forward on your sitz bones. Breathe in and extend and straighten up the spine. Start exhaling and slowly roll forward. In order to move faster use thigh muscles. This helps in releasing the hamstrings thereby giving you more flexibility. After moving as far as you can, lower your arms and hold your foot. Remain in the same position for some time and breathe. Thereafter, exhale gently and pull yourself forward. While performing the poses keep your back straight. Straighten up after finishing and go for the next side.

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